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You Need To See The Big Mansion Where Chris Ngige Lives In Anambra (PHOTOS)

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23rd Jan. 2016

If there is anybody reaping the reward of his hardwork,
Nigeria’s minister of Labour and Employment, Dr Chris Ngige is certainly doing that.

Apart from being very popular among his people, he has also taken time to get a good edifice for himself, where he can relax after the hassles of being a public servant.’s crew was at the recent burial ceremony he organised for his late father, Pa Pius Okonkwo Ngige, at his Alor, Anambra state residence, and the sight of the mansion was a beauty to behold.Little wonder every road that led to the sleepy community was tarred as everyone kept hailing the good works of their former senator and governor.Below are some pictures of the building as captured:

Meanwhile, after receiving countless number of visitors, friends and associates who rained torrents of cash and material gifts on him, the medical doctor turned into a pastor as he kept praying for them in Igbo language.


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