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Arms Deal: CDD Raises The Alarm Over Planned Arrest Of Jonathan

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The Committee for the Defence of Democracy (CDD) has raised the alarm over an alleged plan by the federal government to arrest former President Goodluck Jonathan over frivolous allegations surrounding the purported 2.1 million dollars arms deal.


The group described this latest move by the APC government of President Muhammadu Buhari as the height of the series of blame that the new administration has continued to put on the last administration of Dr. Goodluck Jonathan.

It asked President Muhammadu Buhari to stop blaming his predecessor, Dr. Goodluck Jonathan, for Nigeria’s problems, while urging the government to instead focus on delivering dividends of democracy to Nigerians, as promised during the electioneering campaigns.

“It is already eight months in the life of the Buhari government and all we have continued to hear is that our problems were caused by the last administration, without anything pointing towards a rescue plan by this government.”

In a statement signed by the group’s Publicity Secretary, Comrade Akindele Lawson, the group stated that if the President continue piloting the affairs of this nation with so much focus on the past, then there will be a danger ahead as there may be no indication of any change, which Nigerians have earnestly anticipated from the APC government, in any near future.

On the so called arms probe by the President Buhari’s government, the CDD stressed that it was wrong for anybody to claim that ammunition and military hardware were not bought for the Nigerian Armed Forces during President Jonathan administration, as it asserted that the current probe is nothing, other than the probe of the campaign funding of the Peoples Democratic Party, PDP, which is just being sensationalized by the APC government.

“It is on record that despite the difficulties that the Jonathan administration faced in procuring arms from some western nations over alleged human rights issues, he still managed to source sizable quantities of platforms, weapons, bullets and other ammunition for the Nigerian Army, Navy and Air Force, which were used to tackle insurgency to a near end before the end of his administration.”

“There is no doubt that the purchase of massive arms and ammunition in the last one year of the Jonathan government made it possible for the military to root out Boko Haram terrorists from all parts of Yobe and Adamawa States, leaving only about three local government areas in Borno State, partially under the control of the insurgents, as at May 2015” the statement further said. 

The group, therefore, challenged the Buhari’s administration to deny the fact that the Nigerian military was still using the arms and ammunition procured by Jonathan to fight in those problem areas, insisting that Buhari’s government has not bought any new arms till date.

Finally, the CDD, wishes to remind President Buhari and the APC, that elections are over and less focus should be placed on Dr. Jonathan or his party, PDP. Our economy is sliding towards a recession and several uncertainties are already trailing our National polity, as it is time for the APC government to face the business of governance and stop the blame game.

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