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How Facebook post led to the lecturer’s suspension

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28th Jan. 2016

A senior lecturer with the Kaduna State University (KSU) has been suspending for allegedly posting hate speeches on Facebook.

The lecturer, John Danfulani, reportedly  stirred controversy by lashing out at supporters of the ruling All Progressives Congress (APC), northern leaders, and President Muhammadu Buhari.

Reports suggest that he also mocked the large number of out-of-school children in the north.

In a query dated Wednesday, January 6, signed by the school registrar, Talatu A Kuri, the university said the lecturer should explain why disciplinary action should not be taken against him for a comment he posted on the social media.

“The content of the publication you authored is divisive, injurious to the University and tantamount to hate speech capable of inciting particular group of students against staff and other students. This behaviour is unbecoming of a lecturer who is supposed to mould students’ character and impart learning,” the letter said.

While responding to the query, response, Danfulani said he was not furnished with details of his offence.

He said: “It is a large world of dozens of platforms, most of which are yet to be in full practice in Nigeria. I have pages that upload my opinions on multifaceted local and international issues when my conscience and spirit direct me to do so.”

“Because of this, I do not know on which of the platforms the piece that generated this query was hoisted because your query did not contain such details,” he wrote. Adding: “My wall, updates and writings in the social media are all in my private capacity and not in my official capacity as a Lecturer with the University”.

The KSU was however, not satisfied with the lecturer’s reply, hence, the school authority suspended him from the university.

Danfulani was informed of the school’s position on his status last week, via a letter delivered by the office of the registrar.

The letter partly reads: “We refer to our letter of query dated 5th January, 2016, requesting you to explain within 48 hours why disciplinary action will not be taken against you for gross misconduct and confirm that you failed to respond.

“In line with S15 (1) 4 of KASU staff conditions of service, the Vice Chancellor has suspended you from duty forthwith and will report the matter to council.”

Following his suspension, Danfulani deleted his Facebook page. Sources say the embattled lecturer is currently out of the country.

Meanwhile following the incident, the Kaduna state security council announced that it would henceforth prosecute any group of persons or individuals inciting ethnic or religious violence in the state through words or actions.

The announcement was made on Saturday, January 23.

Below is a sample of Danfulani’s alleged hate-speech which was widely circulated among Kaduna residents.

“To them, APC is a religious party. Northern leaders under the party are demigods and crusaders of their ways of life. These people living in dusty villages of Sokoto, Kebbi, Zamfara, Kano, Jigawa are quick in calling you ‘Arne or Kafiri’ (Meaning pagan) once you express your view on anything their God PMB and his brigade of small Angels are doing. Attack the attacker, and lets the skies fall.”

Danfulani made an affirmation to Premium Times, acknowledging that he authored the post.


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