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House Of Reps Set To Investigate Sex Scandals In IDP Camps

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There is allegation that officials at the Internal Displaced Persons (IDPs) camps give food to young girls and women in exchange for sex.


Alhaji Sani Zoro, the chairman of the House committee for IDPs, has revealed that his committee set to investigate reported cases of sex scandals in the camps across the country.

Daily Trust reports that Zoro, a member representing Maigatari/Gumel/Gagarawa federal constituency, stated this while fielding questions from journalists on Sunday, January 17, in Dutse.

The chairman noted that no particular organization was fingered for the crime but stressed that the committee would not rest on their oars until the culprits were brought to book.

“There are allegations which we are trying to prove. There are officials in the camp that take advantage of some young girls and women in order to give them preferential treatment when food and water are supplied.

“I am not trying to make any particular reference to any organization. But this is highly irresponsible and unacceptable to us,” he said.

Speaking further, Zoro noted that Nigeria has the highest number of displaced persons in the world. According to the latest data, the country has about 5 million IDPs scattered in 21 camps across the country, he added.

Meanwhile, President Muhammadu Buhari has ordered the Nigeria Customs Service to give relief materials seized from smugglers to IDPs.

The comptroller general set up a national committee that would coordinate and manage the movement and the transfer of seized relief items to give effect to the president’s directive.

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