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Shoe-shinning video: NSCDC defends Dambazau, says he’s “entitled to look neat”

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The Minister of Interior Lt. Gen Abdulrahman Dambazzu (rtd) has assured internally displaced persons of Government’s determination to end the insurgency for them to return back home.

He spoke on his working visit to the North-East to assess the condition of the affected victims of insurgent attacks presently at the Internally Displaced Persons (IDP) Camps in Borno, Yobe and Adamawa States,

Dambazzu, who was accompanied by the Comptroller Generals of the Nigeria Immigration Service, Nigeria Prison Service and the Commandant General of the Nigeria Security and Civil Defence Corps (NSCDC), applauded the efforts of the Security forces aimed at putting to an end the Insurgency.

NSCDC spokesman, Okeh Emmanuel, quoted Dambazzu as saying that as a former GOC and Chief of Army Staff, he saw the prospect in the Corps and gave a nod to the training of the personnel on arms bearing and also established a synergy where the Army personnel partnered with the Corps personnel in tackling act of vandalism.

Emmanuel also commented on the recent shoe-shinning video involving the Minister.

According to him, “news being peddlied by some on-line media houses alleging that the Dambazau converted a DSS officer to a ‘shoe shiner’ is baseless fraudulent and malicious.

“It is diversionary tactics of the evil ones to cast aspersion on the personality of the Minister.

“The Honourable Minister who was on a visit to NSCDC facilities at Sauka never beckoned on any of his aides to come and clean his shoe as alleged.

“If the aide carried out such a function, it means it was done voluntarily without any iota of compulsion.

“The demonstration by the DSS personnel was a mark of respect for his principal since he was not compelled to do so.

“It should also be noted that, a man of the calibre of the Minister, who was one time Chief of Army staff is entitled to aids that could help in ensuring that he looks neat at all times.”

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