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Lagosians and the curse of indiscipline

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28th Jan. 2016

We must start by considering how Africa’s most promising city has grown to becoming a shadow of its glorious past. This is not because the Spirit of Lagos is any less potent but largely because many of our acts sends what’s left of the glory of our state into extinction.

We may congregate at newspaper stands, drinking bars, at the bus Stops, at our village meetings or probably at coven meetings and argue like we can be better leaders but the solution to a better Lagos isn’t just in our criticisms but in our actions. If you doubt me, then consider these words of Mahatma Gandhi:

Be the change that you wish to see in the world.” and “To believe in something, and not to live it, is dishonest.”

The latter quote strikes a strong cord in me. I know we all believe in a good life for our country, state and self. We all pray it every Friday and Sunday but how many of us live it? If Going by Mahatma Gandhi’s quote it means the greater half of us are dishonest.

Ok back to the matter (in Wizkid’s voice) so we don’t loose track of the one zillion naira questions.
Remember what they are?

1. What must be done to create a Lagos that we desire?

We must understand what Love truly means. As a human being who understands the basis of love, I will boldly say Love protects, Love builds, and Love is not arrogant or destructive. If we then say we Love ourselves, our loved ones or even that favourite TV program, favourite drink or food.

It means we have the ability to give out love and if peradventure we are so self centred enough to love just ourselves, it means in our own best interest we must ensure our selfish desires are met 24/7.

To Love in regards to this piece means to Love Lagos-State as your own. When you do, everything that protects uplifts and positively projects the State will be your priority.

If in your heart you say you love Lagos State, then you wouldn’t throw dirt’s from moving vehicles onto the road/street. You wouldn’t move your refuse from your home/business environs to dump on the street/high way.You wouldn’t vandalize public/government properties.

You wouldn’t disturb the peaceful right of enjoyment which your neighbour has (the immediate person who is directly or indirectly affected by your actions).You wouldn’t build your home or business centre on a canal and expect that several streets, houses and schools down the line won’t end up flooded because of your alien attitude.

You wouldn’t want to drive drunk or intoxicated nor would you want to urinate or do the number 2 by the road, nor dump human waste into streams, rivers and expect the environment not to be polluted OR worse case scenario expect people not to die of diseases when that polluted water finds its way into their drinking tank or the pure water (bagged or bottled) which you drink.

You wouldn’t want to drive like you and the devil are on set “Fast and Furious 8″; racing to Hell knowing full well that your own life or someone you care about may be dependent on your actions. To get back a better Lagos than what we have lost, we have to always remember this wise quote.

“You’ve got to stop thinking of consciousness as your own. You’re only thinking for yourself when you are by yourself. As soon as you are in the presence of others, your consciousness is linked at some level to those others.”-James Rozoff

Understanding the impact of our actions on ourselves and others means we must protect and love Lagos to be able to protect the over 20million residents in the State. It may not be your biological state, but it is sure the state where you reside in, transact business, school, work.

If the State fails, it means you too will fail. If it succeeds and grows, you too will grow with it. I hear someone snorting at this possibility. Later in this piece, we will see who benefits from a Lagos that Works.

Remember that Loving Lagos starts from you doing what is right, TO you educating/forcing others (where ever you find yourself) on doing what is right and most especially, TO you forcing government to doing what is right.

2. Who are those responsible for achieving such?

Truthfully that is the job for everyone.

Idowu Koyenikan did say “As a community, great things can happen when each individual contributes, according to their strengths, toward a common goal.”

I believe strongly that communal challenges within the state will be easier resolved when everyone realizes they have a priority role to play without having to play the card of, “Oh i am insignificant so no one will listen” etc.

While it is agreed that everyone has an active role to play, it is instructive to note that Government needs to be proactive by teaching/leading by example.

Currently, we have leaders, security personnel’s and those capable of influencing the right attitudes amongst the greater population, betraying our mandate and trust. Where is the common sense in seeing these personalities drive against traffic (one way route) or blaring loud sirens?

Others jump queues, whilst the dons throw waste out of their vans and engage in public show of indiscipline. How can such a society work when the Law makers and enforcers break the law and desecrate the Land? This thus puts a burden on each class of Citizen as stated above to ensure checks and balances exists and no one defaults in their transformation role.

3. How many years do we have to wait for that to happen?

Why wait till eternity when we can have that Lagos NOW!!!! The time for Nation building through a disciplined workable Lagos-State is now and no one should be exempted from the building process.

4. Who benefits from such? Is it politicians, investors, residents, trouble makers or Mr Nobody. Everyone

Investors and Business personnel’s profit from a disciplined, business/ecology friendly environment.
The unemployed get better jobs; everyone lives longer, safer, and more prosperous than they would in an in-disciplined State.

Government revenues will triple and they will be better funded on providing good services and higher living standards for the Citizens. The benefits accruable to everyone cannot be over emphasised and only an enemy to the State will oppose such.

It is thus instructive to state that the time to start work on building a new Lagos is now and it is expected that we have a New Nigeria one which would be prosperous for all but will be able to command everyone’s positive input into building.

Let us redeem Lagos, Lets redeem the future.


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