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Saraki Reveals When Buhari’s Budget Will Be Passed

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23rd Jan. 2016

The Senate president Bukola Saraki has disclosed when the first budget of President Muhammadu Buhari will be passed by the upper national chamber.


Saraki hinted the Leadership at Dutse international Airport Jigawa state that the lawmakers working hard to pass the federal government proposed 2016 budget by February.


The Senate leader stated that the national chambers would examine the budget, accomplish all its legislative duties, and provide speedy passage of the budget to let the federal government to begin delivering dividends of democracy to Nigerians who have high expectation on it.

The senator also gave the assurance that the crisp drop of oil price could not temper the budgets, advising Nigerians to feel at ease.

He said: “On the issue of federal government budget there is no cause for alarm, as it was designed not depend on oil revenue.

“If you look at the budget the federal government has designed it to depend on non oil revenue for the first time in our recent history, the oil revenue is below 50 percent in the budget, so the dwindling price could not change anything in side it.”

Saraki also dismissed the rumor going round that, the senate is planing to cut down the budget size, continuing that the national chamber would do everything possible to see the budget meet the expectation of Nigerians on the Buhari-led administration.

President Buhari has formally notified the Senate of an alteration to the 2016 Appropriation Bill he presented before a joint session of the National Assembly last December.

The senate earlier was unable to start considering the proposed budget because of the missing documentation.


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