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Prophet sets church member on fire, says God instructed him to do so

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Pandemonium ensued at Celestial Church of Christ (CCC) on Unity Street in Abule-Egba, Lagos, when a prophet set a member ablaze during service.

The victim, whose identity was given as Madam Bosede, is currently nursing the pain in a hospital.

It was gathered that the prophet in his sermon claimed he got a revelation that there was God in their midst, adding that if the woman was set ablaze she would not suffer burns.

Madam Bosede, who joined the church a month ago told The Nation yesterday: “Our prophet said the spirit of God whispered to him that I would not burn if he sets me on fire. When I came out, they poured kerosene on my body and set me ablaze. But, unfortunately, I was burnt beyond recognition and before the other church members could get water, the deed had already been done.”

However, the cleric claimed that he clearly heard a voice instructing him to set a member on fire to prove and confirm that God was in their midst.

“I heard the voice clearly, but I don’t know what happened after we set fire on her. God has been speaking to me since and it has been working, so I wonder why now,” he said.

Some members, however, left the church, doubting their prophet’s credibility, adding: “We cannot worship here again, who knows who the spirit will ask him to burn next.”

A resident, Irene Ohekina said, “I don’t pity her; she was the one who allowed herself to be deceived by the prophet. Why did the prophet not try the fire on himself or any of his family members?”

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