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Dasukigate: ‘Those Who Steal In Billions Should Be Executed’

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The minority leader, House of Representatives, Hon. Yakubu Umar Barde has advocated for the execution of persons who stole billions of naira of the country’s wealth.

Mr. Barde who has been representing Chikun/Kajuru federal constituncy since 2003 under the Peoples Democratic Party(PDP), said it is unacceptable for people to steal public fund and use that public fund to get justice from court.

“If someone steals from N1million to N100 million, they should cut his hand. Yes, there is nothing wrong with that, so that when we see him, we will know yes, he stole. And those that steal from billions upward should be hanged and their property confisticated,” the minority whip said at an interactive session with members of the Correspondents’ chapel in Kaduna.

The minority whip believed that people should be punished for whatever offence they commit, adding that “I am also of the belief that punishment should also be segregated according to the offence. At least, your punishment should be commensurate with what you have done.”

“We are living in a very funny country where people steal N1,000 and they are put in jail for years. And where some people will steal billions and use that same billion to escape justice. That is not good enough,” he said.

He disclosed that himself and other members of the national assembly are considering a bill that make the executive create special courts for corruption cases.

“Me and some members in the National Assembly are of the believe that, we should have special courts for corruption cases.

“Because, if you look at the quantum of corruption in the country today, we are just talking about Dasukigate and look at quantum of money and the number of people that are involved. You have not gone to the ministries yet. You have not even gone to the states and it is only ICPC and EFCC that are to do all these jobs. If we are fair to ourselves, the work is overwhelming. And you know, people will want to use the legal system to delay Justice, and that is what is happening today. So, why don’t we have dedicated courts to handle all these corruption cases, so that justice could be dispense quickly?

“Am aware of former Governors who have cases with EFCC and they have not gone to court for the past eight years. So, this does not encourage the young people. It rather encourages them to steal, because if you can delay justice for 10 years, it means that is a good one.

“So, I think we need to put our heads together because corruption like hunger does not know party, it does not know tribe of religion. We must as Nigerians take a very bold stand.

“You can imagine this issue of arms deal. If you knew this money was meant for the procurement of arms, weapons, my brothers and sisters here, if you have a brother in the Army, he is sent to the war front and because his weapons are archaic and he is killed. Do you now want to have sympathy for someone who knows that the money was meant for arms and he pocketed it? It is so painful, we have lost loved ones.

“If I am a judge and such a person is brought before me, I will confisticate his property and make sure he is killed also. Because, he bears fault in the blood of the people killed in the war front,” he said.

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