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PDP Is Coming Up Stronger In Spite Of APC's Agenda

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The leadership of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) has said the President Muhammadu Buhari-led All Progressives Congress (APC) government’s heinous and draconian agenda cannot annihilate the PDP.


The party in a statement issued on Sunday, January 17, by the National Secretary, Prof. Adewale Oladipo, a copy obtained by, alleged that the APC-led government attempt to decimate it will fail as the party is coming up stronger, and because “Nigerians now know better.”

 The party said that APC having realised that it lacked what it takes to deliver its numerous bogus campaign promises to Nigerians has ignobly resorted to intimidation and harassment of the opposition through its set-out witch-hunt policy.

Oladipo alleged that in a desperate mood to cover up its obvious lapses and the clear lack of governance direction in the last eight months, the APC government has plunged all its energy looking for imaginary PDP faults.

His words: “In all democracies, viable opposition is recommended for stability and growth of society, but the APC in is seeking to decimate opposition so foist its dictatorial agenda of installing one party state without economic direction and where the rights of the citizens are trampled under-foot.

“Nigerians have seen through the campaign deceptions and the now unfolding agenda of the APC and are now apprehensive about the health of the country as the reality of the type of party and leaders they voted into power gradually dawns on them.

“They have watched carefully as all essential values of a viable democracy are being destroyed; the other arms of government, the judiciary and legislature have been caged under with each now struggling to survive.

“We are all witnesses of the brazen abuse of human rights of citizens, arrest and detention without trial, disregard for court orders and the impunity being displayed by various security agencies in the last eight months.

“Also obvious to Nigerians now is the use of the fight against corruption as means of settling scores with perceived enemies as is the case with key PDP leaders including its Spokesman, an action that is ostensibly aimed at silencing the opposition from looking in and exposing the incompetence, and the double standard of the administration.

“We invite Nigerians and the international community to continue to note that while the government continues to harass PDP leaders and abuse their rights, very obvious corrupt cases involving notable APC leaders have been brushed aside.”

The opposition party, however, reiterates its support for the fight against corruption but insists that its conduct must have integrity, must be fair, credible, just and must follow due process and rule of law.

“Finally, the PDP assures its numerous supporters across the country of the dividends of the on-going rebuilding and re-engineering process in the party to re-position the party for the electoral challenges ahead especially as it has become clear that APC lacks the capacity to handle governance and provide economic direction for the country, but has only succeeded in injecting bad blood and division among Nigerians resulting in the current threats to national cohesion and stability,” Oladipo said.

Recall that Prof. Adewale Oladipo’s name was among the names contained in a statement issued by Olisah Metuh, alleging that intelligence information available to the party indicates that Senator Ekweremadu is not an isolated target for assassination.

Meanwhile, the Ekiti state chapter of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) has praised Governor Ayodele Fayose for his brave analysis of the way the country is being run by President Muhammadu Buhari.

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