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BREAKING: Senate In An Emergency Meeting, As New Budget Emerges

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Reports reaching afrogalleria  has revealed that the Senate leadership is currently in an emergency meeting in the office of the Senate president, Bukola Saraki over the 2016 missing budget.


A source who craved anonymity however hinted that the budget which was uploaded on the Budget office website is different from what was submitted to the National Assembly by President Muhammadu Buhari back on Tuesday, December 22, 2015.

He further stated that in the budget submitted last year, the BMW cars for legislators was N3.63bn, but in the current version, it has now been reduced down to N340m.

He noted that the new budget now has an added a N3.9bn for annual routine maintenance of villa facilities which was not in the original budget.

This is coming few days after the 2016 budget was declared missing on Tuesday, January, 12.

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