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17 Stolen Goats Found In Car Booth In Ado-Ekiti, Police Rescue Suspects From Mob

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About 17 goats, believed to have been stolen from different locations in Ekiti State were recovered from the suspects .
A three- man gang caught in connection with the stealing were accosted by irate commercial motorcyclists at the popular Okeyinmi area of the state capitals .They were beaten to a pulp before Police saved them.


A source said the goats must have  been stolen at Ilupeju Ekiti in Oye Local Government Area of the state .
The animals were found in a black Honda Accord car with registration number LAGOS AJ 798 BDG.
Luck ran out of the suspects when they reportedly hit an okada rider and his passenger very close to the roundabout in the area.

Their refusal to show concern to the victims angered the bystanders who challenged them on why there were driving recklessly at such a major junction.

The crowd at the scene continued to grow in number the booth of the car was forced open which led to the discovery of large number of goats which aroused suspicions that the animals were stolen.

On closer look, the mouths of the goats were smeared with salt and sealed with big sellotapes to prevent the animals from bleating so as not to attract attention of people.

The suspects’ clothes were drenched in blood due to the merciless beating received from the mob.

The okada riders claimed that members of the syndicate has an unnamed “godfather” who bail them from police stations anytime they are caught hence their resolve not to allow them to be taken to any station this time around.

As the “jungle justice” was going on, policemen arrived the scene and hot argument ensued with the mob who expressed fear that the suspects may be released again.

Reason later prevailed and the suspects were whisked to the Okesa Police Station but the car was left behind with okada riders keeping watch in the damaged vehicle.

The state police spokesman Alberto Adeyemi confirmed the arrest of the victims whom he said are receiving treatment at an undisclosed hospital on account of injuries sustained during the attack.

He disclosed that the suspects stole the goats in Ilupeju Ekiti while two of the animals died in transit.

Adeyemi also revealed that the suspects were recently charged to court for the same offence but were released on bail before committing the latest offence.

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