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Finally! Alison-Madueke Honours London Police Invitation

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Diezani Alison-Madueke, the controversial ex-oil minister, on January 21, finally appeared before police in London, UK.

PM news reports that Diezani was at the Charing Cross Police Station, London to honour the summons by the authorities.

The former minister was given bail on the same condition granted earlier and asked to return to the station on 21 June.

Alison-Madueke, who was one of the most influential officials in the President Goodluck Jonathan government,  was arrested by the UK in October 2015 by the National Crimes Agency, together with four other people.

The accusations against her were looting and money laundering in the United Kingdom using a network of relatives and businessmen.

President Muhammadu Buhari had restated many times that his administration was determined to fully sanitize Nigeria’s oil industry and make it to­tally free of corruption and shady deals.

He had also pledged to begin the prosecution of those involved in shady deals in the oil sector.

Alison-Madueke has stayed away from Nigeria since Buhari was sworn in as presi­dent.

The publisher of Ovation magazine, Dele Momodu, recently released photos of cancer-stricken former minister.


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