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Fresh battle in Nollywood: Meet the 3 major contenders

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28th Jan. 2016

The battle for the leadership of directors guild of
Nigeria (DGN) has begun. There are three main gladiators who want to lead the Nollywood’s directors guild. Afrogalleria presents them to you three major gladiators for the presidency of DGN which election comes up on February 26.

Fred Amata

Prolific actor and movie director Fred Amata wants to be the president of DGN. This is the third time he will be contesting for this post. Mr. Amata is struggling for the hot seat that the guild’s president, Andy Amanechi will vacate soon. His posters have flooded necessary areas while his fans are using it as their display photo on social media. Amata aspired for the position alongside Fidelix Duker in 2007. Duker eventually won the contest. In 2011, Amata contested again with Andy Amanechi, who also defeated him and succeeded Bond Emeruwa.

Dickson Iroegbu

He was once the Public Relations officer of DGN in 2007. In 2011, despite the Anya Ibo King makers association of Nollywood advise that Iroegbu should step down for Teco Benson at the contest for the president of DGN, he still went ahead to contest and both Teco Beson and Iroegbu lost out. He is again ready to go to the battle field for that same position in 2016.


Lancelot Imasuen

Lancelot Oduwa Imasuen is a renowned film director and producer. Imasuen on Wednesday, January 27, declared his intention to become the next national president of the Directors Guild of Nigeria.

In a statement he released to declare his intention to contest, Imasuen said: “Dear friends, may I wholeheartedly inform you of my sincere desire to serve this country and Nollywood as the National President of the Directors Guild of Nigeria. After very extensive consultations with my immediate family, senior and junior colleagues in the Directors Guild of Nigeria, other industry stakeholders, friends and well-wishers, government personals, I hereby disclose my thoughts, plans and intent.
Though, the election comes up on February 26, and it is strictly a DGN member’s affair, I am using this medium to seek and ask for prayers, support in all ways possible. Judging from the past and present, I see myself as most capable and competent to steer the ship off. Film directing has been my life and God has been merciful to me. You cannot give what you do not have. Please it is with all humility that I once again ask for your support.”


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