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Anti-graft Officer Reveals Corruption In Govt, What Happened To Him Next Is Terrible

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Chairman of the Kano state anti-corruption and Public Complaints Commission, Muhiyi Magaji Rimin Gado, may be close to the end of his job at the anti-graft office.

The level 400 Law student of Bayero University and the fledgling anti-corruption fighter recently resolved to beam his searchlight on some activities of the 44 local government councils of the state.

Trouble started last year, when multi-billionaire and philanthropist Alhaji Aminu Alhassan Dantata doled out N10 million to each of the 44 LG’s in the state for the rehabilitation of primary schools and some mosques at the respective LG’s.

The good gesture however, did not go down well with other elected officials who were were reported to have been kept in the dark by their respective chairmen.

Due to over-blown crisis that trailed the donation from the philanthropist, offices of the anti-graft agency was flooded by petitions and its chairman inundated with so much complaints arising thereof, was compelled to exercise functions of his office by demanding an investigation into the alleged diversion of the donated funds and other financial transactions by the LG councils.

Barely two months into these investigations, there are unconfirmed reports that the agency had received “orders from above” that restraints it from taking further action on the donated funds and financial dealings of the local governments for specific reasons.

There were indications that proved the anti-graft body has suspended this mission as the heavy traffic of invited officials from LGs that usually thronged its offices have reduced and activities at the anti-corruption offices are now somehow scanty.

While admitting that enormous pressure was on him over the Dantata monies and other sundry issues of the 44 LGs in the state, Gado did not specify the level of limitations and no-go-areas.

He stated, however, that he is determined like never before to chart a sustainable way of sanitizing financial applications of local governments in the state.

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