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Presidency Speaks On Missing Budget, Says What Was Done To It

Femi Adesina, the special adviser to President Muhammadu Buhari on media and publicity, has reacted to the missing budget from the National Assembly.

There was panic all over thebudget which President Buhari submitted to the Senate last year, was nowhere to be found.

The Senate president, Nigerians were already asking series of questions on the possible whereabouts of the budget.

But in a phone interview with Eagleonline, Adesina informed that although the presidency made some amendments to the budget, there was never a time it was withdrawn from the National Assembly.

According to him: “Yes, some amendments were made to the Budget, but it was never withdrawn.

“The SSA to the President on National Assembly Matters, Senator Enang, will be in a better position to brief you on the development.

“But he had said so last week that we did not withdraw the Budget.

“That is the position. We did not withdraw the Budget.”

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